Welcome to my small spot in the universe.
Through pictures and a few words, I hope to communicate to others the blessings we receive, even in the smallest every day things around us.
God is good!
Your comments are appreciated!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Well, the ice-rain-snow storm has come and gone from our area, and I must say  I AM GLAD!! We mostly got ice in this area, but people farther north got lots of snow! And the North Carolina mountains are covered.
Today most of the ice has melted, and I got out of the house!! When the roads are bad, I don't venture out. I know I am not the best driver in bad weather , so I do myself and everyone else a favor and stay home. I stopped at the ceramic shop run by my friend, and the ladies there were having a  Christmas dinner. So I got to eat with them.( They insisted)!!!. Pinto beans cooked with ham hock,broccoli casserole, cole slaw, fried chicken,potato casserole,coconut pie, and CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!!!!!!  Is this my lucky day,or what? Didn't have my camera, so I didn't get any pictures. Sometime in January I will be doing a jewelry class there, demonstrating making necklaces and earrings. My life seems to be expanding somewhat, and I am glad. Thank The Lord for it all!

 These little pansies amaze me. They can be frozen in ice and still bloom right on. If I had it to do over I would plant them all over my yard for the winter months. So cheerful!! For some reason this picture came out very dark, but the sun is shining on the ice and it really is very bright. Yea for the pansies.!

I had 17 of these teacup candles made (different designs) and thankfully I have sold them all. Different designs and different fragrances. After you finish the candle you still have a cup.And soy wax is very clean burning, and cleans up with soap and water. They make great gifts. Plus they smell great. Now I have to get busy and get some more made, I love it!

My friend ordered a set of these UNC Tarheel wine glasses. I struggled with them for awhile ,but finally  finished, and they were satisfied with them.
Christmas is almost here, most of my shopping is finished-we are cutting back a good bit this year. Since times are hard for most people, I will probably give money  to my family.When my children were small, I would buy so much stuff, that it would take almost all day to wrap.I love Christmas and enjoy getting out and looking at all the decorations and lights. Since we live near McAdenville,N.C. famous for it's Christmas lights
it is easy to find somewhere to go.All the trees in this town have lights, and all the porches have lights and decorations, so it is quite a sight!
Many blessings on all, and let's pray for one another, and for our boys and girls serving in the military,at home and abroad. Prayer changes things!

Christmas Blessings on all!

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