Welcome to my small spot in the universe.
Through pictures and a few words, I hope to communicate to others the blessings we receive, even in the smallest every day things around us.
God is good!
Your comments are appreciated!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Picking Flowers


This is my sweet Great Grandson Brayden.
Picking flowers.
From my Grandson's flower garden.
I remember Jeremy doing the same thing at his age.
What could be better than being presented with a flower from a child,
No matter where they come from.
I remember picking flowers for my Mom.
Wish I could do it again..one day I will! 
.....Suffer little children,and forbid them not, to come unto Me:
For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 19:14
Have a great day!
Many blessings your way.



  1. Oh such a lovely post and scripture! Blessings to you on a very belated pink saturday. Thanks for the comment on my blog! DE

  2. thanks, Shirley, for the reminder of the time when my son was 2 (now 27) picked a tiny "weed" flower at gave it to me. blessings on your day!


www.From The Heart.blogspot.com