Welcome to my small spot in the universe.
Through pictures and a few words, I hope to communicate to others the blessings we receive, even in the smallest every day things around us.
God is good!
Your comments are appreciated!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Fence

These pictures were made at the Schiele Museum in a nearby town.
They have lots of "old time" exhibits..even an Indian Village.
But what caught my eye in these pictures was the split rail fences,
and seeing them brought back so many memories.
My Dad had these fences around his farm.
We used to climb over them to go way down in the lower pasture, 
to get the cows and bring them home for the night.
My Brother cut Locust posts  and sold them to make fences.
We are living in a very fast paced, modern world with many good
things for our help and enjoyment.
I am thankful for all the conveniences we have today, 
 still my heart remembers Other Times...when life was simpler...
God is good, and the memories are precious!


  1. Memories from the heart. I have some precious ones, too.

  2. I agree with you, Shirley. Love the pictures. Nothing like the old time memories - unless it's the modern conveniences, lol


www.From The Heart.blogspot.com