Welcome to my small spot in the universe.
Through pictures and a few words, I hope to communicate to others the blessings we receive, even in the smallest every day things around us.
God is good!
Your comments are appreciated!

Monday, February 23, 2015

My Flower

I am not sure of the name of this flower...My Grandson gave it to me for Valentine's Day.
It is beautiful..I am going to put it in a bigger pot,
and pray that it lives!
Thoughts of Spring in my heart!


The Bluebirds are here all the time.
We see them sitting on the wires and flying around the yard.
We have some houses for them to build nests in the Spring.
When I went outside this morning, there were feathers all on the ground.
Something had attacked and killed one.
It was either a feral cat I see running around in the neighborhood,
or a hawk. Or possibly an owl..we have seen them too.
Anyway..it makes me mad!
And so sad, I love the bluebirds.

Friday, February 20, 2015


It was colder earlier.
The birds are out in the yard, and I have actually heard some songs.
Don't know if they are happy...or just cold!
It is supposed to warm up over the weekend.
Have a blessed day...stay warm!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My Beautiful Flowers

My daughter gave me these beautiful pink roses for Valentine's Day.
She never forgets holiday's.
Even as a child she would remember birthday's and anniversary's,
along with Christmas and Easter.
I think that is a wonderful way to look at life.And it makes others happy too!
Thank you, Kim!
Love to all,

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Making It!

Beautiful Spring flowers in my neighbor's yard earlier.
I am always glad to see them in the late winter and early spring.
The same flowers today..after the ice storm.
Their heads are bowed with ice, still...
I believe they will make it through the ice,
 bring cheer to our hearts once again!
Have a blessed day.


All the pictures are of the ice storm last night.
No snow...it is all ice.
Thankfully, we didn't lose power.
My driveway.
I won't be going out any time soon!
Looking for better days ahead!