Welcome to my small spot in the universe.
Through pictures and a few words, I hope to communicate to others the blessings we receive, even in the smallest every day things around us.
God is good!
Your comments are appreciated!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Praise Ye the Lord, Praise the Lord,
O my soul.
Psalm 146:1
A beautiful Sunday morning in August.
A day of rest and worship.
Have a blessed day.

Friday, August 28, 2015

A Closer look

This looks like a pile of weeds...
Until you take a closer look.
The same is often true of the people we meet.
They might look drab and unlovable...
But often we just need to take a closer look.
Everything and everybody has a place in God's creation.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Another Moon

I take a lot of pictures of the moon.
 Could not resist taking another one tonight.
There is just something magical about the moon this time of year.
Late Summer...a special time.
God is good!
Blessings on all.

Roses and Zinnia's

I have been looking through my pictures from other times.
Some I may have shown before, but it seems good to show them again.
My roses and Zinnia's from last year.
Same setting...different lighting.
There is something new to learn everyday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Moon

Moon picture ..last year.
Moon picture tonight.
Looks different...but it is the same old moon.
The one created by God in the beginning.
Have a blessed, peaceful day.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cloud Picture

This cloud looks kind of like a man's profile
Never noticed that before!
There are wonders everywhere...especially in the Heavens.