Welcome to my small spot in the universe.
Through pictures and a few words, I hope to communicate to others the blessings we receive, even in the smallest every day things around us.
God is good!
Your comments are appreciated!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Right Path

In life there are two ways to go..two paths to choose.
One is broad and easy to follow: millions upon millions are choosing this way.
But, waiting at the end of this path  is death and destruction.
The other path is a plain path, it is narrow and straight.
It leads up the mountain..sometimes there are thorns that pierce,
Sometimes the way grows dark and stormy.
We may grow afraid, but we can keep traveling on in safety.
This path was laid out by One who has gone on before, faced every trial,
and marked the way.
At the  end of this path, when we reach the top of the mountain,
we can look out and see beauty such as mortal eyes have never beheld.
And the One who made the way will be waiting to welcome us in..
To live forevermore.
Whosoever will may come!
Spiritual Sundays.
Blessings on all,wherever you may be.


  1. I'm so thankful that we can always choose to take the right path. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. I love the verse you used. Psalm 23 is often on my mind and it is so reasuring to know HE LEADS me for HIS NAMES SAKE.

    Thank you for this post today...a reminder to stay on the right path.

  3. That is just beautiful, Shirley, thank you. Blessings ~

  4. Great post and very true, there are options in our paths and worth choosing the right one.

  5. Amen sister! God is good.

  6. The path made by the One gone on before. Love walking in Jesus' path. I'm walking towards the mountain!

  7. This is really beautiful, Shirley. How sad that most choose the broad way that lads to destruction. The picture reminds me of driving in the Northeast when we were there in October a couple of years ago.


www.From The Heart.blogspot.com