Welcome to my small spot in the universe.
Through pictures and a few words, I hope to communicate to others the blessings we receive, even in the smallest every day things around us.
God is good!
Your comments are appreciated!

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Early morning.
The sun just beginning to shine through the trees.
I stand on my front porch in the mornings and see all the beauty of the sunrise.
And I feel so blessed.


  1. Pretty photo. I am always up to enjoy sunrise but often go to bed before sunset! lol

  2. What a lovely sunrise, Shirley. Sometimes I wake up very early just to get a glimpse of the sunrise. Have a cup of coffee and enjoy the morning hours. It's my favorite time of day. It's nice that you appreciate the sunrises too. : )



www.From The Heart.blogspot.com